August 13, 2017

Track My Progress

I update my position at the start of every month to see how my Dollar-Reedoos are doing, dive in, swim around and ask any questions you may have.

Vanguard Index Funds $130,189.89
Military Super $86,308.97
Cash $13,720.80
Property $230,000.00
Precious Metal $19,000.00
TOTAL $479,219.66
Property Loan $174,000.00
Credit Cards $1,384.86
TOTAL $175,384.86
NET-WORTH $303,834.80


Vanguard Break Down



Australia Index Fund World Index Fund Global Bond Fund Combined Total
Value $61,199.14 Value $64,014.69 Value $4,948.90 Value $130,189.89
Difference $2,459.38 Difference $2,739.73 Difference  $27.16 Difference $5,199.11
Percentage 4.19% Percentage 4.47% Percentage 0.55% Percentage 8.66%