August 13, 2017


Have a look at how other Aussies are progressing towards their FI missions, look at what stage they are at and how they intend on making their dreams a reality. Try not to peruse through the numbers looking for excuses on why you can not make it happen, understand that everyone has to start somewhere and take control of your future. By having a community of people you can emulate, while avoiding their mistakes will aid you in getting to your goals quicker than otherwise possible.


NameNetworthBall-Park AgeSite  
Tom$1,350,000.0040Remember To Water
Anonymous$1,130,000.00?Journey to 90 Million
Anonymous$1,476,000.0040The Fi Explorer
Mr Firebug$370,272.0020The Aussie Firebug
National$286,751.1030National Debt Defence
Pat$251,186.0030Life Long Shuffle
Anonymous$101,134.0020The Wealthy Bogan
Caleb$33,543.9020Buy * Hold Long